Nonprofit Fundraising Coaching

Start hearing YES to your asks, ideas and your mission. Experience the power of fundraising coaching.

Be a more confident fundraiser without feeling rejected, ineffective or pushy.

Transform your leadership and your life!

Fundraising coaching is for you if

  • You want to have more meaningful relationships with donors

  • You are really good at building rapport and struggle to move to making “the ask”

  • You want to generate more fundraising leads and meetings with potential donors

  • You are tired of hearing “Let me think about it and get back to you” and they don’t do either

  • You want to get more out of your board and committees without feeling like you have to nag or push them

  • You want to create a community of support to move your mission forward

What fundraising coaching gives you

  • Proven fundraising system that works with types of fundraising — sponsorships, major gifts, corporate donations…anything you want to ask for.

  • Fundraise with ease and joy

  • Spend more time on the most qualified fundraising prospects

  • Easily ask for & receive funding your nonprofit needs

  • Tackle difficult fundraising conversations & situations with ease

  • Turn objections and rejections into opportunities to build stronger donor relationships

  • Finally get that board to become part of your fundraising team

How it works

  • Six weeks with 12 sessions of intensive fundraising coaching experience

  • Six coaching modules with integration exercises and workbook

  • Wealth Dynamics assessment to understand your fundraising and leadership style and recognize it in others

  • Tons of support and connection with other nonprofit fundraisers and leaders

  • All fundraising course materials, PDFs, videos, slides, and workbook easily accessible

  • WhatsApp chat group with your classmates to share and connect

$1997 per person or 3 payments of $670

Course starts September 10!

Book a call with Maryanne to see if this fundraising course is a fit for you.